About Replico

Why we work the way we do

We believe that franchising and licensing can create tremendous benefits and enormous value for all those involved but we also see too many cases of bad practice, unfortunate and costly mistakes and missed opportunities. Therefore, we strive to make a difference by helping franchisors and licensors succeed with good quality schemes and to help prospective franchisees and licensees avoid the traps and pitfalls associated with buying badly.

When you deal with us…

  • Your business will be treated with care, courtesy and respect at all times.
  • You will know exactly what your total investment will be from the outset, and you will be able to make that investment at a pace that suits your resources.
  • You can be sure that we will recognise the unique and special nature of your business and make every effort to adapt our programme to work in your situation.
  • You will find us straightforward to deal with – no bureaucracy, no hidden agendas, and no finding extra work for you to pay us for. We will always work with you and for you.
  • You can rely upon our complete confidentiality at all times.
  • You will always be given complete, full and frank answers whenever you ask for information or for our assessment.


Who We Are

Replico Ltd was founded by its two specialist directors, Carl French and Kirsten Gibb.
Carl-French thumbnail

Carl French BSc (Hons), MSc, Grad Cert Ed, C.Eng, CITP, FIMA, FBCS

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Carl French has lots of hands-on experience as a director of innovative companies. He is also a best selling author, popular business speaker.
Kirsten Gibbs

Kirsten Gibbs BA (Hons), MSc, London Business School Sloan Fellow

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Kirsten is a business adviser specialising in productising know-how to drive rapid business growth. She has undertaken projects for more than 40 businesses including franchise chains, start-ups and owner-managed companies.

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